and let me tell you I LOVE IT!!! Actually, i've already finished it and am reading the second one: LIKE A FIRE IS BURNING. The characters are indescribable and real. "PILLAR OF LIGHT begins the saga of the Benjamin Steed family, who, in the fall of 1826, move from Vermont to Palmyra Township in upstate New York in search of better farmland. Almost immediately they meet a young man named Joseph Smith and are thrown into the maelstrom of controversy that swirls around him. Is he deluded farm boy or prophet of God? Does he commune with angels or consort with devils? The answers to those questions - intensely personal, bitterly divisive - will profoundly affect the lives of the Steeds and many others. From the frontiers of early America to the complexities of the last half of the twentieth century, THE WORK AND THE GLORY series chronicles the triumphs and tragedies of one family caught up in the events of the Restoration" (thank you barnes&noble for that great description).
My favorite character is Benjamin Steed. He is....indescribable. I don't know what to say. You'll have to read the book. Nathan, his son, is number 2 on my list of favorites. Please just read it, it will change your life. Okay, maybe not that much, but it is a good read. I love how they describe Joseph as a normal farmer instead of some amazing prophet. I mean, yes, he's both, but when i think "prophet" my impression is a serious man in a black suit, probably in the later years of his life, who acts as a perfect example of Christ for us followers. You know you do, too. This book puts a different perspective in your head.
Other than reading i've also been watching Friends a lot. I'm up to season 5, and i will say that i'm proud of that fact :) which is sad. Since the break just began, i should probably be finding other activities to be doing, say, hanging out with the friends i've neglected for a while. Truth be told, i want to hang out with them, girl and guy, but i just don't understand how i can be good company. I don't talk. I say dumb things that don't even make sense. Honestly, how am i going to find a husband when i can't put myself out there?? Such a sad life i lead...
Umm....yeah, my antisocial-ness is showing and i don't know what to say. So i'll close this post and go back to watching Friends. See ya.
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