At 2:00PM, my mother and i set off to BYU to watch a Choir and Orchestra Christmas Concert. It was so amazing! I can't believe how perfectly they all can blend with one another. I kept getting chills listening to them. One song in particular caught my attention. It's the oh so popular Silent Night. An all women's choir sang it, and i kept getting goosebumps. When the song ended, the director said that a student had written the piece. I could not believe it! It was so beautiful i would have cried if i'd let the tears fall. Anyway, i highly recommend you reading my blog to go next year. You will not regret it.
Oh! Since my older brother is gone on his mission, my father didn't know what to do with his laptop. Guess who gets it? ME. That's right :) at least until Cameron returns in two years, but i'll get my own by then. Why am i so certain of this? Because for high school graduation us graduated children receive a laptop as our gift. So technically i get a laptop longer than my older siblings. Haha.
Okay, so this is where my day took a turn for the best! After watching YuGiOh with Brandon for about an hour we went downstairs to play MarioParty2. In the middle of the game, Alex called me and told me Apolo Ohno was going to be having a book signing at Borders! Of course i went. I mean, i've seen this guy skate on the Olympics and dance in Dancing with the Stars, there was no way i was missing this opportunity to see him in person. Besides, he's the third famous person in my life that i've been able to see with my own two eyes. In case you're curious, #1) Carrie Underwood at Stadium of Fire #2 David Archuletta at his book signing at Deseret Book, and #3 is now obviously Apolo Ohno. If you don't know who Apolo Ohno is, shame on you go look him up.

At the speed of light (not really but i wish) my mother, Brandon, and Alex's younger sister Zenna, and i were on our way to Borders. We arrived just in time. The line was surprising not long, but probably because his signing began at 8:00PM. When he arrived...well, i didn't see him but Brandon and my mother did. They said there was this one girl at the front who made him a present and was jumping up and down in pure joy. It's good to know someone was able to show their true side to Apolo Ohno. I'm sure plenty of us would have done exactly that if we'd been brave enough. Originally, i wasn't going to buy his book, but i had $30 in my wallet and after holding the book for a while in my hands, i decided to buy it. Who knows, maybe i will sell it one day when i'm in poverty. That way i can say that Ohno truly helped me in life.
Okay so when we got to the front line, i almost freaked out like the excited girl. He is actually a really gorgeous man, short, but gorgeous none the less. I found out that he is Asian. Asian! That up'd his score by about 10 points. Haha anyway, i supressed my girly scream as i walked up to him and as he signed his book, i bravely asked, "Can i have a picture with you?" Guess what he said? "Sure, come on around here." Ah! It was great. So, my friends were in the picture as well. Three other crazies of Apolo Ohno. The only sad thing is that in the picture i am the only one who looks like i'm just there. I'm not leaning close enough to him so the picture looks awkward. AUGH! Why!? oh well, it's proof :) After i'd had the book signed and had my picture taken we were ushered away. That didn't stop us from taking some pictures of him from behind his little barrier. Eventually i got bored of the poor quality on my camera and left the store to walk around. My mother, Brandon, and i walked around Riverwoods. It's a newly remodeled area with a bunch of stores and restaurants. There's one store called Blickenstaff's which is 100% a toy store for kids. It's amazing and fun! It would make a great place to go for a date *hint hint*. So yeah, after that i came home and started writing this.
That's it. Stop reading, gosh. See ya.
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