Ever heard of a movie called Tron? I have. From Kingdom Hearts 2, Sora is zapped into the technological world where he must defeat the MCP in order to return the world back to it's original state. Tron is the name of the program who helps you out. I'm not sure what Tron from the 80's was about, but the modern one from 2010, titled Tron: Legacy, is by far one of my favorite movies of all time.
Remember how it felt when you watched Avatar for the first time? The amazement you felt by every detail that this strange planet showed you? Tron gives you the same feeling, only this time you can actually relate. I've grown up in a world that has technological advancements every year. This fact makes me believe that one day Tron might actually be possible.
This movie blew my mind, and i highly recommend it to anyone who holds a small fracture of imagination inside of themselves. Please go watch it. Before i sign out i must give credit to the 80's Tron. It was created to inspire technological advancement and give hope to those humans who didn't believe technology could advance as far as it has today. Way to go! I applaud you:) See ya.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A couple days have passed since i've written.....okay, maybe more like a week, but i'm going to try and make up for everything with this post. It will most likely be a lame post, but stay with me for as long as you can. Okay, so Christmas Break began yesterday, technically. Yay no school! That's always good news. And for the break i decided to do something worth my time. Guess what i chose to do? Read this book:

and let me tell you I LOVE IT!!! Actually, i've already finished it and am reading the second one: LIKE A FIRE IS BURNING. The characters are indescribable and real. "PILLAR OF LIGHT begins the saga of the Benjamin Steed family, who, in the fall of 1826, move from Vermont to Palmyra Township in upstate New York in search of better farmland. Almost immediately they meet a young man named Joseph Smith and are thrown into the maelstrom of controversy that swirls around him. Is he deluded farm boy or prophet of God? Does he commune with angels or consort with devils? The answers to those questions - intensely personal, bitterly divisive - will profoundly affect the lives of the Steeds and many others. From the frontiers of early America to the complexities of the last half of the twentieth century, THE WORK AND THE GLORY series chronicles the triumphs and tragedies of one family caught up in the events of the Restoration" (thank you barnes&noble for that great description).
My favorite character is Benjamin Steed. He is....indescribable. I don't know what to say. You'll have to read the book. Nathan, his son, is number 2 on my list of favorites. Please just read it, it will change your life. Okay, maybe not that much, but it is a good read. I love how they describe Joseph as a normal farmer instead of some amazing prophet. I mean, yes, he's both, but when i think "prophet" my impression is a serious man in a black suit, probably in the later years of his life, who acts as a perfect example of Christ for us followers. You know you do, too. This book puts a different perspective in your head.
Other than reading i've also been watching Friends a lot. I'm up to season 5, and i will say that i'm proud of that fact :) which is sad. Since the break just began, i should probably be finding other activities to be doing, say, hanging out with the friends i've neglected for a while. Truth be told, i want to hang out with them, girl and guy, but i just don't understand how i can be good company. I don't talk. I say dumb things that don't even make sense. Honestly, how am i going to find a husband when i can't put myself out there?? Such a sad life i lead...
Umm....yeah, my antisocial-ness is showing and i don't know what to say. So i'll close this post and go back to watching Friends. See ya.

and let me tell you I LOVE IT!!! Actually, i've already finished it and am reading the second one: LIKE A FIRE IS BURNING. The characters are indescribable and real. "PILLAR OF LIGHT begins the saga of the Benjamin Steed family, who, in the fall of 1826, move from Vermont to Palmyra Township in upstate New York in search of better farmland. Almost immediately they meet a young man named Joseph Smith and are thrown into the maelstrom of controversy that swirls around him. Is he deluded farm boy or prophet of God? Does he commune with angels or consort with devils? The answers to those questions - intensely personal, bitterly divisive - will profoundly affect the lives of the Steeds and many others. From the frontiers of early America to the complexities of the last half of the twentieth century, THE WORK AND THE GLORY series chronicles the triumphs and tragedies of one family caught up in the events of the Restoration" (thank you barnes&noble for that great description).
My favorite character is Benjamin Steed. He is....indescribable. I don't know what to say. You'll have to read the book. Nathan, his son, is number 2 on my list of favorites. Please just read it, it will change your life. Okay, maybe not that much, but it is a good read. I love how they describe Joseph as a normal farmer instead of some amazing prophet. I mean, yes, he's both, but when i think "prophet" my impression is a serious man in a black suit, probably in the later years of his life, who acts as a perfect example of Christ for us followers. You know you do, too. This book puts a different perspective in your head.
Other than reading i've also been watching Friends a lot. I'm up to season 5, and i will say that i'm proud of that fact :) which is sad. Since the break just began, i should probably be finding other activities to be doing, say, hanging out with the friends i've neglected for a while. Truth be told, i want to hang out with them, girl and guy, but i just don't understand how i can be good company. I don't talk. I say dumb things that don't even make sense. Honestly, how am i going to find a husband when i can't put myself out there?? Such a sad life i lead...
Umm....yeah, my antisocial-ness is showing and i don't know what to say. So i'll close this post and go back to watching Friends. See ya.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Short post. Don't really wanna post. Been about a week since last post. English. Guitar. History. Finals. Ugh. Posting for followers. Song for guitar called "Save the Last Dance for Me" by Michael Buble. Found out he's really young. Not old like i thought. Go watch music video. Buble=attractive...in a way.
Been watching Friends most of my day. Just got back from Wendy's for dinner. Feeling fat.... and tired. Already mentioned that. Bah no one cares, right? You do. You are lame. Go away. I don't want you viewing my posts.
Kinda been thinking about writing my story and posting it on here. Maybe, if i feel like it....which i have been. I'm lame. Should not view this post. Whatever. Do you think glasses are attractive? I don't. Not on me. On the right guy. YES. Then they mess up the look with a weird shirt. Or hair. Bah they annoy me.
My boy troubles are slowly solving. I almost had a real conversation with my crush. Let's call him "Luke". Love that name:) or Matthew. Yeah, done with this posting. Hope i entertained you. See ya.
Been watching Friends most of my day. Just got back from Wendy's for dinner. Feeling fat.... and tired. Already mentioned that. Bah no one cares, right? You do. You are lame. Go away. I don't want you viewing my posts.
Kinda been thinking about writing my story and posting it on here. Maybe, if i feel like it....which i have been. I'm lame. Should not view this post. Whatever. Do you think glasses are attractive? I don't. Not on me. On the right guy. YES. Then they mess up the look with a weird shirt. Or hair. Bah they annoy me.
My boy troubles are slowly solving. I almost had a real conversation with my crush. Let's call him "Luke". Love that name:) or Matthew. Yeah, done with this posting. Hope i entertained you. See ya.
Friday, December 10, 2010
This laptop that i've been permitted to use is amazing! I spend most of my day on it watching Friends or Facebooking....i should probably find something healthy to do, but why should i? Oh, wait. Maybe because if i continue on this path i will become a big, lazy fat women who little kids laugh at. Does that seem like a good enough reason? Sadly, even that is not enough to get me moving. Although, yesterday i went to the PG rec center with Natalie and Tori. It was so much fun! We ran around the track, and ended the day talking about boys. I must say that Tori is amazing when it comes to boy trouble. She not only had me convinced that the best thing to do was to tell my crush i liked him, but also made it seem like i wouldn't lose my friendship with him. How amazing is that?
Also something i did yesterday: i got my hair cut. Now before you flip out you must realize that it looks exactly the same as it did before. My bangs are just shorter. Now instead of a huge strand falling in front of my face i have to worry about a little tuft of hair going against the rules of gravity. It's really fun... really fun. I was being sarcastic. Alex created an emoticon that means "sarcastic" but i can't remember. I think it went something like "-" and now everyone who reads this should use it. Or i guess you could continue using italics but really, that's lame. Actually, i think it's really creative :P
Okay, so today i had a really bad day. Mostly dealing with boy troubles. So when i came home i sat at my laptop, turned on Friends, and started writing sad poems. They will be posted below. Honestly, i don't know how bad they are or how good, so don't make fun. They're actually very personal. If you have a comment please make it along the lines of, "that's awesome!" or "what do you mean it's bad? They sound great." I would appreciate that greatly.
Also something i did yesterday: i got my hair cut. Now before you flip out you must realize that it looks exactly the same as it did before. My bangs are just shorter. Now instead of a huge strand falling in front of my face i have to worry about a little tuft of hair going against the rules of gravity. It's really fun... really fun. I was being sarcastic. Alex created an emoticon that means "sarcastic" but i can't remember. I think it went something like "-" and now everyone who reads this should use it. Or i guess you could continue using italics but really, that's lame. Actually, i think it's really creative :P
Okay, so today i had a really bad day. Mostly dealing with boy troubles. So when i came home i sat at my laptop, turned on Friends, and started writing sad poems. They will be posted below. Honestly, i don't know how bad they are or how good, so don't make fun. They're actually very personal. If you have a comment please make it along the lines of, "that's awesome!" or "what do you mean it's bad? They sound great." I would appreciate that greatly.
To the boy who does not know
--with the contagious laugh
How my heart aches for you so
--with the deep gaze of a hawk
My love for you that i hide
--always knows what to say
I can not stand still when you're around
--my comforter and my helper
Oh, why can't i just speak
--you have no idea--
My Last Resort
Poetry helps express ones love
--in ways i do not know
I can not write a decent poem
--so i'll let my pencil flow
I hate it when you see someone
--that makes your heart go thump--!
And all you want to do is spill your soul.
At times i feel that God is testing
--how long my patience will last
I want so badly to be loved
--and not blasted down like a mast
Hopefully i can keep these tears inside
--or else my heart will grow cold.
Yeah, so again as a reminder these were made from my frustration and heart-love pain. Don't judge me or my poetry. I will end on that note. See ya.
--with the contagious laugh
How my heart aches for you so
--with the deep gaze of a hawk
In what way will you find
--the maturity of an adultMy love for you that i hide
--always knows what to say
I can not stand still when you're around
--my comforter and my helper
Oh, why can't i just speak
--you have no idea--
My Last Resort
Poetry helps express ones love
--in ways i do not know
I can not write a decent poem
--so i'll let my pencil flow
I hate it when you see someone
--that makes your heart go thump--!
And all you want to do is spill your soul.
At times i feel that God is testing
--how long my patience will last
I want so badly to be loved
--and not blasted down like a mast
Hopefully i can keep these tears inside
--or else my heart will grow cold.
Yeah, so again as a reminder these were made from my frustration and heart-love pain. Don't judge me or my poetry. I will end on that note. See ya.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
So, i had this huge paragraph typed out about that weird Egyptian looking font that everyone knows about....but then i realized that i didn't really know what i was talking about, so i deleted the whole thing and decided to tell you what i'd originally typed. Kind of stupid, yes i know, but oh well. Unless you haven't noticed, i've been playing with the fonts available on this website posting service. Don't let it bug you because it bugs me.
So i guess i'll put nothing on here, because nothing exciting happened. Okay, yes, one exciting thing happened. Today was the last day of the semester for my concurrent enrollment classes :) YAY! No more school....for college. Actually, i have a test next Wednesday for History2700 and my Communications1050 class is online and running until Wednesday. Pretty much, i have a week, which i will hopefully use to study (not probable).
Yeah, i have nothing to put. I've been moping around all day doing nothing. No thing. I wrote my last assignment for Communications, watched Friends while texting Brock, and practiced my guitar. That's been my day. So, yeah. Death to my life. I am now undead. Fear me. See ya.
So i guess i'll put nothing on here, because nothing exciting happened. Okay, yes, one exciting thing happened. Today was the last day of the semester for my concurrent enrollment classes :) YAY! No more school....for college. Actually, i have a test next Wednesday for History2700 and my Communications1050 class is online and running until Wednesday. Pretty much, i have a week, which i will hopefully use to study (not probable).
Yeah, i have nothing to put. I've been moping around all day doing nothing. No thing. I wrote my last assignment for Communications, watched Friends while texting Brock, and practiced my guitar. That's been my day. So, yeah. Death to my life. I am now undead. Fear me. See ya.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Christmas Recital
I can't think of anything witty or cool to put at the beginning, so i'm just going to go right into my day. I definitely went to bed way to late last night (11:48PM) because i almost fell asleep in my school History class. Mr Fish played a video about the Battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War and i decided to lay my head down and just close my eyes and listen. Well, it kind of worked.... I'm not sure how to explain it, but it was like my hearing became heightened and everything was in super-sensitive mode, and yet i didn't understand a thing. I must have been in one of those half-awake situations because iT wAs WeIrD.
Right after History i had PreCal. And today was a special day. Today was test day... let me tell you how i do when taking tests. Imagine being someone who understands everything pretty well. When you're at home studying all the answers come to you without even trying. Easy. Then a paper labeled "Exam #6" gets plopped in front of you. Suddenly, all that understanding and knowledge gets shot out of the sky like pigeons. How do you fare now? That's pretty much my life when it comes to tests. All things considered, i feel like i didn't fail, which is a huge step up. Keep your fingers crossed :)
My day was meh all the rest of the day, until 4:30PM hit. Slowly, i slid into my silver dress that i wore last year to Preference (below) and along with my mother and father, left down to Best of Music for my voice recital. Honestly, i was kind of nervous, but nothing huge. I love to sing, and i love sharing music, so the whole experience wasn't so bad. Until i stepped up and started to sing my song: Angels We Have Heard On High. Suddenly, my stomach started to flip and my knees turned to jell-o. BUT i persevered and made it through the song, jackhammer knees going the whole time :) Way to go me! It actually got a lot easier after i started. Go with the flow...

My parents dragged me to Costco after that, but not before taking me out to get whatever i wanted. I chose to go to Arctic Circle and i bought an Oreo Fudge Shake, fried, and a corndog. Haha it was actually really good. I didn't know until that moment how much i'd been craving a batter fries dog. Mmm-mm. Anyway, that was my day. Simple and all that jazz. For those of you in my ward who didn't listen to me sing today, you'll get to hear me at church on December 19. Yeah, see ya.
Right after History i had PreCal. And today was a special day. Today was test day... let me tell you how i do when taking tests. Imagine being someone who understands everything pretty well. When you're at home studying all the answers come to you without even trying. Easy. Then a paper labeled "Exam #6" gets plopped in front of you. Suddenly, all that understanding and knowledge gets shot out of the sky like pigeons. How do you fare now? That's pretty much my life when it comes to tests. All things considered, i feel like i didn't fail, which is a huge step up. Keep your fingers crossed :)
My day was meh all the rest of the day, until 4:30PM hit. Slowly, i slid into my silver dress that i wore last year to Preference (below) and along with my mother and father, left down to Best of Music for my voice recital. Honestly, i was kind of nervous, but nothing huge. I love to sing, and i love sharing music, so the whole experience wasn't so bad. Until i stepped up and started to sing my song: Angels We Have Heard On High. Suddenly, my stomach started to flip and my knees turned to jell-o. BUT i persevered and made it through the song, jackhammer knees going the whole time :) Way to go me! It actually got a lot easier after i started. Go with the flow...
My parents dragged me to Costco after that, but not before taking me out to get whatever i wanted. I chose to go to Arctic Circle and i bought an Oreo Fudge Shake, fried, and a corndog. Haha it was actually really good. I didn't know until that moment how much i'd been craving a batter fries dog. Mmm-mm. Anyway, that was my day. Simple and all that jazz. For those of you in my ward who didn't listen to me sing today, you'll get to hear me at church on December 19. Yeah, see ya.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Homework Overload
I've decided that the most you're getting of my day is what the title of my post suggests. Before i began writing this, i Googled "Things to do on a blog," and guess what popped up. Nothing fun! So yeah, i decided to write a collection of facts about me. So enjoy!
1. I enjoy a messy room, but not to messy. If there's only a little bit of clutter here and there i can deal with it. But when you walk into a room that's filled to the brim with random junk i can't help but think to myself, "What is the matter with this person? Do they really need to keep that shattered doll? What is that? Oh, a bed. I couldn't even tell." And so on and so forth. My room currently is messy, i agree, but it's a neat messy. I know where everything goes and where it is. For instance, my dirty clothes are on the right of my room while the clean ones are stacked or packed in laundry baskets that still have yet to be folded. My bed is unmade, but why make it when i'm just going to hop into it at the end of the day? The only exception to making a bed is when company will be coming over, and even then, what creep would go into your bedroom?
2. I enjoy taking pictures of myself. However, more than half of them end up being deleted because i feel they make me look unattractive (i.e. too fat, crazy, creepy, etc...). Web-cams are the best because included with them are backgrounds that make you feel special. Most of the time when i am taking pictures of myself i make the most random faces. Usually those result in me bursting my lungs laughing.
3. I hate school! But then again, what teenager doesn't. Actually, i lied. I like school, but only when i'm not bombarded with tests, exams, and any random homework that teachers just love to pile you with. For instance, my English teacher (whom i really like, he just hands out paper like a tree killer) always gives our class "homework" but then you find out that more than half of the handouts were never assignments. So pretty much you just wasted your entire evening attempting to understand some random homework that you will never be graded on. So lame.
4. I aspire to one day have a career in the medical field. I haven't chosen which type yet, but hopefully something that i love. At first, i wanted to be a dermatologist, but that lost it's appeal after a while. Next, i really really wanted to be a surgeon, but then i realized that i couldn't cause harm on a person even if it would save their life, so that one got ruled out (though i still come back to this one the most). Briefly, i considered an anesthesiologist, but honestly, people sue them all the time and i hate chemistry, physics, and any math in general, so there's no way i'm risking peoples lives on my mediocre math skills. Truth be told, i haven't thought about anything outside of the medical field that i'd want to be..... perhaps i should have a Plan B.
5. I'm attracted to nerdy men. You know, the ones that always answer first because they know the answer and then elaborate on why that's the correct answer. Or even ones that have crazy obsessions like Star Wars or Battlestar Galactica...because secretly i have those, too. Also, i tend to like the men that will never ever get fat. They will forever and ever remain this stick while i waste away into the Fat Lady. Perhaps this is one of my worries, and why i always want to go to the gym and burn off my love handles, spare tires, and muffin top.... not that i have them, i just want to look my best.
And that's all i have time for. I hope you enjoyed random facts about me. See ya.
1. I enjoy a messy room, but not to messy. If there's only a little bit of clutter here and there i can deal with it. But when you walk into a room that's filled to the brim with random junk i can't help but think to myself, "What is the matter with this person? Do they really need to keep that shattered doll? What is that? Oh, a bed. I couldn't even tell." And so on and so forth. My room currently is messy, i agree, but it's a neat messy. I know where everything goes and where it is. For instance, my dirty clothes are on the right of my room while the clean ones are stacked or packed in laundry baskets that still have yet to be folded. My bed is unmade, but why make it when i'm just going to hop into it at the end of the day? The only exception to making a bed is when company will be coming over, and even then, what creep would go into your bedroom?
2. I enjoy taking pictures of myself. However, more than half of them end up being deleted because i feel they make me look unattractive (i.e. too fat, crazy, creepy, etc...). Web-cams are the best because included with them are backgrounds that make you feel special. Most of the time when i am taking pictures of myself i make the most random faces. Usually those result in me bursting my lungs laughing.
3. I hate school! But then again, what teenager doesn't. Actually, i lied. I like school, but only when i'm not bombarded with tests, exams, and any random homework that teachers just love to pile you with. For instance, my English teacher (whom i really like, he just hands out paper like a tree killer) always gives our class "homework" but then you find out that more than half of the handouts were never assignments. So pretty much you just wasted your entire evening attempting to understand some random homework that you will never be graded on. So lame.
4. I aspire to one day have a career in the medical field. I haven't chosen which type yet, but hopefully something that i love. At first, i wanted to be a dermatologist, but that lost it's appeal after a while. Next, i really really wanted to be a surgeon, but then i realized that i couldn't cause harm on a person even if it would save their life, so that one got ruled out (though i still come back to this one the most). Briefly, i considered an anesthesiologist, but honestly, people sue them all the time and i hate chemistry, physics, and any math in general, so there's no way i'm risking peoples lives on my mediocre math skills. Truth be told, i haven't thought about anything outside of the medical field that i'd want to be..... perhaps i should have a Plan B.
5. I'm attracted to nerdy men. You know, the ones that always answer first because they know the answer and then elaborate on why that's the correct answer. Or even ones that have crazy obsessions like Star Wars or Battlestar Galactica...because secretly i have those, too. Also, i tend to like the men that will never ever get fat. They will forever and ever remain this stick while i waste away into the Fat Lady. Perhaps this is one of my worries, and why i always want to go to the gym and burn off my love handles, spare tires, and muffin top.... not that i have them, i just want to look my best.
And that's all i have time for. I hope you enjoyed random facts about me. See ya.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Apolo Ohno
Today started out as any other normal Saturday for me. I was lying in bed, having some dream repeat, when my mother came into my room and woke me at 9:00AM up saying our family had signed up to clean the church. I was forced to drag myself out of bed and get ready enough to look presentable to clean (mainly sweats and a t-shirt). Originally i had planned on taking a nap after finishing, but of course it took almost two hours and i was too awake to fall asleep. Sigh i hate life sometimes. Anyway, i came home and did something... i don't remember what. Yeah, no remembering, so we'll move on.
At 2:00PM, my mother and i set off to BYU to watch a Choir and Orchestra Christmas Concert. It was so amazing! I can't believe how perfectly they all can blend with one another. I kept getting chills listening to them. One song in particular caught my attention. It's the oh so popular Silent Night. An all women's choir sang it, and i kept getting goosebumps. When the song ended, the director said that a student had written the piece. I could not believe it! It was so beautiful i would have cried if i'd let the tears fall. Anyway, i highly recommend you reading my blog to go next year. You will not regret it.
Oh! Since my older brother is gone on his mission, my father didn't know what to do with his laptop. Guess who gets it? ME. That's right :) at least until Cameron returns in two years, but i'll get my own by then. Why am i so certain of this? Because for high school graduation us graduated children receive a laptop as our gift. So technically i get a laptop longer than my older siblings. Haha.
Okay, so this is where my day took a turn for the best! After watching YuGiOh with Brandon for about an hour we went downstairs to play MarioParty2. In the middle of the game, Alex called me and told me Apolo Ohno was going to be having a book signing at Borders! Of course i went. I mean, i've seen this guy skate on the Olympics and dance in Dancing with the Stars, there was no way i was missing this opportunity to see him in person. Besides, he's the third famous person in my life that i've been able to see with my own two eyes. In case you're curious, #1) Carrie Underwood at Stadium of Fire #2 David Archuletta at his book signing at Deseret Book, and #3 is now obviously Apolo Ohno. If you don't know who Apolo Ohno is, shame on you go look him up.

At the speed of light (not really but i wish) my mother, Brandon, and Alex's younger sister Zenna, and i were on our way to Borders. We arrived just in time. The line was surprising not long, but probably because his signing began at 8:00PM. When he arrived...well, i didn't see him but Brandon and my mother did. They said there was this one girl at the front who made him a present and was jumping up and down in pure joy. It's good to know someone was able to show their true side to Apolo Ohno. I'm sure plenty of us would have done exactly that if we'd been brave enough. Originally, i wasn't going to buy his book, but i had $30 in my wallet and after holding the book for a while in my hands, i decided to buy it. Who knows, maybe i will sell it one day when i'm in poverty. That way i can say that Ohno truly helped me in life.
Okay so when we got to the front line, i almost freaked out like the excited girl. He is actually a really gorgeous man, short, but gorgeous none the less. I found out that he is Asian. Asian! That up'd his score by about 10 points. Haha anyway, i supressed my girly scream as i walked up to him and as he signed his book, i bravely asked, "Can i have a picture with you?" Guess what he said? "Sure, come on around here." Ah! It was great. So, my friends were in the picture as well. Three other crazies of Apolo Ohno. The only sad thing is that in the picture i am the only one who looks like i'm just there. I'm not leaning close enough to him so the picture looks awkward. AUGH! Why!? oh well, it's proof :) After i'd had the book signed and had my picture taken we were ushered away. That didn't stop us from taking some pictures of him from behind his little barrier. Eventually i got bored of the poor quality on my camera and left the store to walk around. My mother, Brandon, and i walked around Riverwoods. It's a newly remodeled area with a bunch of stores and restaurants. There's one store called Blickenstaff's which is 100% a toy store for kids. It's amazing and fun! It would make a great place to go for a date *hint hint*. So yeah, after that i came home and started writing this.

That's it. Stop reading, gosh. See ya.
At 2:00PM, my mother and i set off to BYU to watch a Choir and Orchestra Christmas Concert. It was so amazing! I can't believe how perfectly they all can blend with one another. I kept getting chills listening to them. One song in particular caught my attention. It's the oh so popular Silent Night. An all women's choir sang it, and i kept getting goosebumps. When the song ended, the director said that a student had written the piece. I could not believe it! It was so beautiful i would have cried if i'd let the tears fall. Anyway, i highly recommend you reading my blog to go next year. You will not regret it.
Oh! Since my older brother is gone on his mission, my father didn't know what to do with his laptop. Guess who gets it? ME. That's right :) at least until Cameron returns in two years, but i'll get my own by then. Why am i so certain of this? Because for high school graduation us graduated children receive a laptop as our gift. So technically i get a laptop longer than my older siblings. Haha.
Okay, so this is where my day took a turn for the best! After watching YuGiOh with Brandon for about an hour we went downstairs to play MarioParty2. In the middle of the game, Alex called me and told me Apolo Ohno was going to be having a book signing at Borders! Of course i went. I mean, i've seen this guy skate on the Olympics and dance in Dancing with the Stars, there was no way i was missing this opportunity to see him in person. Besides, he's the third famous person in my life that i've been able to see with my own two eyes. In case you're curious, #1) Carrie Underwood at Stadium of Fire #2 David Archuletta at his book signing at Deseret Book, and #3 is now obviously Apolo Ohno. If you don't know who Apolo Ohno is, shame on you go look him up.

At the speed of light (not really but i wish) my mother, Brandon, and Alex's younger sister Zenna, and i were on our way to Borders. We arrived just in time. The line was surprising not long, but probably because his signing began at 8:00PM. When he arrived...well, i didn't see him but Brandon and my mother did. They said there was this one girl at the front who made him a present and was jumping up and down in pure joy. It's good to know someone was able to show their true side to Apolo Ohno. I'm sure plenty of us would have done exactly that if we'd been brave enough. Originally, i wasn't going to buy his book, but i had $30 in my wallet and after holding the book for a while in my hands, i decided to buy it. Who knows, maybe i will sell it one day when i'm in poverty. That way i can say that Ohno truly helped me in life.
Okay so when we got to the front line, i almost freaked out like the excited girl. He is actually a really gorgeous man, short, but gorgeous none the less. I found out that he is Asian. Asian! That up'd his score by about 10 points. Haha anyway, i supressed my girly scream as i walked up to him and as he signed his book, i bravely asked, "Can i have a picture with you?" Guess what he said? "Sure, come on around here." Ah! It was great. So, my friends were in the picture as well. Three other crazies of Apolo Ohno. The only sad thing is that in the picture i am the only one who looks like i'm just there. I'm not leaning close enough to him so the picture looks awkward. AUGH! Why!? oh well, it's proof :) After i'd had the book signed and had my picture taken we were ushered away. That didn't stop us from taking some pictures of him from behind his little barrier. Eventually i got bored of the poor quality on my camera and left the store to walk around. My mother, Brandon, and i walked around Riverwoods. It's a newly remodeled area with a bunch of stores and restaurants. There's one store called Blickenstaff's which is 100% a toy store for kids. It's amazing and fun! It would make a great place to go for a date *hint hint*. So yeah, after that i came home and started writing this.
That's it. Stop reading, gosh. See ya.
Friday, December 3, 2010
I attempted to add a picture to this post, but my camera wouldn't connect with the computer, so you end up with no picture and my post of random nonsense. I realized that most of the time what i type makes no coherent sense in the least. I'm sorry. No harm is meant by it, and if you end up having a hard attack attempting to correct my sentences (because you're some grammar OCD geek), just know it was unintentional.
Okay, before anybody kills me for posting Justin Bieber as my music for my page, I'm going to tell about my day....from where i left off before on my current post "@ School."
Nothing really happened. Honest and truely, my day has been a big BLAH. I had guitar fourth period, and that was kind of boring once we'd finished our playing test of the day. It was a group thing, and one person from our group, Sara or Sarah (personally i like the one without an H), was absent so we had a substitute who was really good at guitar and made the rest of us inconsiderate wannabe guitar players feel like the dirt under her shoes. It worked out just fine, but i didn't feel like the amazing guitar player i like to pretend i am. That's the only bad thing that happened today, oh wait, never-mind.
When i arrived home i didn't have anyone to hang out with. No one. They were off doing something important or not as important, so i ended up sitting at the computer for three hours watching Friends and Facebook-ing. I attempted drawing, but ended up drawing a blob of a snowman, which is pretty epic if i'm allowed to say that. I attempted to have a bubble bath, and i even managed to have it all ready, but then my stomach started to hurt. The kind of hurt where if you move at all or lay down or roll onto your tummy immense pain shoots throughout your back and immobilizes you. It was death basically, so i put on a tank top and shorts (and not to brag but they are Nightmare Before Christmas ones) and took ibuprofen. I started texting Alex and Brock to be my distractions, and it worked. Those two always distract me, which can be a bad thing at times, but for my current case i don't care :) Yeah, so...my mother managed to decorate our tree and stair banister all Christmas-like, and it looks good. That's pretty much the end of my day. It's pretty late, and i have to go attempt a picture for Alex. See ya.
Okay, before anybody kills me for posting Justin Bieber as my music for my page, I'm going to tell about my day....from where i left off before on my current post "@ School."
Nothing really happened. Honest and truely, my day has been a big BLAH. I had guitar fourth period, and that was kind of boring once we'd finished our playing test of the day. It was a group thing, and one person from our group, Sara or Sarah (personally i like the one without an H), was absent so we had a substitute who was really good at guitar and made the rest of us inconsiderate wannabe guitar players feel like the dirt under her shoes. It worked out just fine, but i didn't feel like the amazing guitar player i like to pretend i am. That's the only bad thing that happened today, oh wait, never-mind.
When i arrived home i didn't have anyone to hang out with. No one. They were off doing something important or not as important, so i ended up sitting at the computer for three hours watching Friends and Facebook-ing. I attempted drawing, but ended up drawing a blob of a snowman, which is pretty epic if i'm allowed to say that. I attempted to have a bubble bath, and i even managed to have it all ready, but then my stomach started to hurt. The kind of hurt where if you move at all or lay down or roll onto your tummy immense pain shoots throughout your back and immobilizes you. It was death basically, so i put on a tank top and shorts (and not to brag but they are Nightmare Before Christmas ones) and took ibuprofen. I started texting Alex and Brock to be my distractions, and it worked. Those two always distract me, which can be a bad thing at times, but for my current case i don't care :) Yeah, so...my mother managed to decorate our tree and stair banister all Christmas-like, and it looks good. That's pretty much the end of my day. It's pretty late, and i have to go attempt a picture for Alex. See ya.
@ School
Yeah, so my day has been pretty good so far. The only downside is that i had History at 7:00AM, so i had to start getting ready at 5:50AM in order to leave my house around 6:35AM to get here on time. Also, my teacher, Mr. Fish (it's okay you can laugh. I do it all the time), has quizzes every single day based off of the readings he gives us. These readings are basically our textbook. Everything we learn comes from them! Anyway, i got a 7 out of 10 on the quiz, which is good considering the reading was 15 pages!! Usually they're only 8-10, which is more manageable i think.
First period i have Seminary, which i'm always late to because History overlaps with it. Our seats were switched up and my teacher, Brother Drysdale, decided to put us in groups. My group was nice, nothing special. Quiet... We had to debate what the DO's and DON'Ts of the Sabbath are. Pretty fun. Second period i have Acapella Choir!! I love this class. All you do is sing. Singing is my life so this class is great. If only i had a better voice, or even a vibrato. I take voice lessons for that reason, but i'm SO bad at practicing that i might as well just throw away my purpose. Anyway, my teach, Mr. Wilcock, left today with Chamber Choir to go perform at the Festival of Lights (i don't know where that is, but it sounds pretty). So we ended up getting stuck with the student teacher, who can not lead! I'm serious, you could stick her as the leader if front of a group of charging soldiers and she would probably end up running away, abandoning her people. I'm kidding, that's being judgmental, but she honestly can't lead. We got by, my choir, just fine THANK GOODNESS.
Yeah, so now i'm to the present... sitting at a computer screen in the library, waiting for lunch to start, which is actually in 10 minutes so i'm going to sign out now. Love ya.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Love Ludo Lily Long
Mostly, my day has been meh. School actually turned out really well, and the guy i have a slight crush on talked to me....of course he always does, but hey! A girl has the rights to overreact sometimes, right? Perhaps not. It's just that i'm someone who never tells people who i like, unless for some reason my friends are over and we're reading my journal. Don't ask me how that happens, it somehow does, and then they accidentally see the name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and they instantly freak out. Don't get me wrong, i love gushing over guys and their superbly unfair good looks that they don't seem to understand that they have, but usually i'm not like that.
Guess what? I'm listening to music! And it's not what you think.... is it? I think only Alex could guess who i'm listening to because we both found a new band that we love only yesterday. They're called Ludo, and they're hilarious! The first song we ever listened by them was called The Horror of Our Love, which was epic-ly creepy and everyone should listen to it. But only on occasions where you are in the mood for "Edward songs" and by that i mean the true Edward (we all know what that means, and if you don't then go get a life)! They're best song, in my opinion, is called Japan It! Trust me, it's good. All their songs are good actually, so if you're in the mood for a new band, check them out. They're relatively clean, no swearing in their songs so far. Sorry if you get a song that is bad...... i take full responsibility. Beware! Some are scream-o!!
After school ended, i'd survived a ride on the bus, and i'd climbed the tortuously steep hill up to my house, i found myself in a situation that i was conflicted in. My mother and sister, Jody, asked me if i wanted to go to a boutique with her. I love boutiques! They're fun and you can carry around stuff you want with you until you realize you don't have enough money for it. I only had about $10 i was willing to spend, which is not enough most of the time, but i had to deal with it. I'm saving up for Christmas presents, and that is currently a top priority. Anyway, i ended up buying this old fashioned ring with a black and gray flower on top. I will attempt to add a photo on a later date.
Sadly, going to the boutique was a bad choice. Remember how i said i was conflicted before? It was because i had a 15 page reading for History that i had to read before 9:30. Why 9:30? Because that's my bedtime, duh. Anyway, i had about two hours to read it, which meant i should have had an hour to lounge around and do whatever until bedtime.... that isn't what happened? Instead i took breaks amidst my reading every five pages and it ended up taking 2-1/2 hours! That's a long time to be doing homework. Well, anyway, through my entire reading Brock, another buddy of mine and probably one of my only guy friends, and i were playing a game called The Random Game. Basically, you just text random words that pop into your head back and forth. In example:
and so on and so forth. Haha it's fun at first, but loses it's appeal after an hour. I did end up finishing my reading, which is why i'm posting all this right now :) So, yeah. That's pretty much all i can think to do. I suppose i'll go take a shower now, and then read my scriptures. My day starts at 5:35AM tomorrow. See ya.
Guess what? I'm listening to music! And it's not what you think.... is it? I think only Alex could guess who i'm listening to because we both found a new band that we love only yesterday. They're called Ludo, and they're hilarious! The first song we ever listened by them was called The Horror of Our Love, which was epic-ly creepy and everyone should listen to it. But only on occasions where you are in the mood for "Edward songs" and by that i mean the true Edward (we all know what that means, and if you don't then go get a life)! They're best song, in my opinion, is called Japan It! Trust me, it's good. All their songs are good actually, so if you're in the mood for a new band, check them out. They're relatively clean, no swearing in their songs so far. Sorry if you get a song that is bad...... i take full responsibility. Beware! Some are scream-o!!
After school ended, i'd survived a ride on the bus, and i'd climbed the tortuously steep hill up to my house, i found myself in a situation that i was conflicted in. My mother and sister, Jody, asked me if i wanted to go to a boutique with her. I love boutiques! They're fun and you can carry around stuff you want with you until you realize you don't have enough money for it. I only had about $10 i was willing to spend, which is not enough most of the time, but i had to deal with it. I'm saving up for Christmas presents, and that is currently a top priority. Anyway, i ended up buying this old fashioned ring with a black and gray flower on top. I will attempt to add a photo on a later date.
Sadly, going to the boutique was a bad choice. Remember how i said i was conflicted before? It was because i had a 15 page reading for History that i had to read before 9:30. Why 9:30? Because that's my bedtime, duh. Anyway, i had about two hours to read it, which meant i should have had an hour to lounge around and do whatever until bedtime.... that isn't what happened? Instead i took breaks amidst my reading every five pages and it ended up taking 2-1/2 hours! That's a long time to be doing homework. Well, anyway, through my entire reading Brock, another buddy of mine and probably one of my only guy friends, and i were playing a game called The Random Game. Basically, you just text random words that pop into your head back and forth. In example:
Will Treaty
Civil War
and so on and so forth. Haha it's fun at first, but loses it's appeal after an hour. I did end up finishing my reading, which is why i'm posting all this right now :) So, yeah. That's pretty much all i can think to do. I suppose i'll go take a shower now, and then read my scriptures. My day starts at 5:35AM tomorrow. See ya.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
First Time
This blog began only because i believe i received a sign to start it. In simple terms, i have been thinking about creating a blog because my "write in a journal" phase is starting to die down, and writing on a computer is a whole lot easier than writing with pen and paper. At least to me it is. But moving on. I was sitting at my computer Facebook-ing when Alex, my best bud, texted me saying she created a blog. So whala! a sign is born and here i am, writing to who knows who. Honestly, what do you put on a blog? To answer that question i will say that blogging is amazingly weird sometimes. In my Communications class, that i coincidentally have to take over a computer screen, i learned that when students are asked to blog or powerpoint for a grade, those that blog tend to use more detail and earn greater scores on their assignment. Weird, huh? And yet it is effective.
Okay, so i'm going to use Alex's as a role model and start writing about my family. I have a mother and a father who have raised me all my 17 years of life. I'm one of four children (unless you count the dog, because let's face it, they're part of the family) and stand as second youngest or as i like to put it third oldest.....if that even works. Oh well, you will start to realize that i'm never 100% correct in what i say. I say what i want and hope that it comes out as intelligent. So i have one sister and two brothers. Jody, who also has a blog and has been blogging for years, is 5 years older than me and has been blessed with the organizational skills of the family. Cameron, second oldest, is my brother, obviously, and is now serving his mission at Washington D.C.. I'm highly confused as to why they don't just call it the Virginia mission.... unless Washington D.C. isn't in Virginia....... whatever. Brandon is my younger brother by three years i believe. Let's see he's 14 and i'm 17, so... yeah, i'm right. He is probably the one i'm closest to because our ages are closer than my other siblings and we have common interests and such.
I suppose i'll put down my current obsessions if that's what they're called. My favorite television show is Friends. I don't know why really. It only makes me laugh every so often, but when it does, it's so worth it. Another alternate show is YuGiOh....i used to watch it when i was younger and have just recently found that my obsession didn't die like i thought. Oh well, i plan on marrying a nerd someday so at least we'll be compatible. Okay, so what i'm about to say next is actually a little embarrassing to me.... why? You'll understand when i tell you. I'm starting to like Justin Bieber as a musician. Ah! i know, shame on me. I've made fun of him so many time that it seems almost like karma has come and kicked me back into place. Before you judge me, go listen to one of his love songs or ballads and listen to the lyrics. They are so cute! Quickly, i must say that the Nightmare Before Christmas has an amazing soundtrack, Megamind is epic, How To Train Your Dragon can be a crying movie, and Harry Potter 7 part 2 is going to be almost as epic as Megamind.
Well, i'm gonna stop now, even though i don't want to, because i'm trying to make these postings a quick easy read. Don't ask me why, i just came up with it. Every so often a huge post will appear, but that's when i forgot what my goal is. I hope i entertained you with my random typing of words that hopefully are coherent and help you to catch a brief glimps of my immature personality. Enjoy life, go out and have a drink..... of water! Haha see ya!
Okay, so i'm going to use Alex's as a role model and start writing about my family. I have a mother and a father who have raised me all my 17 years of life. I'm one of four children (unless you count the dog, because let's face it, they're part of the family) and stand as second youngest or as i like to put it third oldest.....if that even works. Oh well, you will start to realize that i'm never 100% correct in what i say. I say what i want and hope that it comes out as intelligent. So i have one sister and two brothers. Jody, who also has a blog and has been blogging for years, is 5 years older than me and has been blessed with the organizational skills of the family. Cameron, second oldest, is my brother, obviously, and is now serving his mission at Washington D.C.. I'm highly confused as to why they don't just call it the Virginia mission.... unless Washington D.C. isn't in Virginia....... whatever. Brandon is my younger brother by three years i believe. Let's see he's 14 and i'm 17, so... yeah, i'm right. He is probably the one i'm closest to because our ages are closer than my other siblings and we have common interests and such.
I suppose i'll put down my current obsessions if that's what they're called. My favorite television show is Friends. I don't know why really. It only makes me laugh every so often, but when it does, it's so worth it. Another alternate show is YuGiOh....i used to watch it when i was younger and have just recently found that my obsession didn't die like i thought. Oh well, i plan on marrying a nerd someday so at least we'll be compatible. Okay, so what i'm about to say next is actually a little embarrassing to me.... why? You'll understand when i tell you. I'm starting to like Justin Bieber as a musician. Ah! i know, shame on me. I've made fun of him so many time that it seems almost like karma has come and kicked me back into place. Before you judge me, go listen to one of his love songs or ballads and listen to the lyrics. They are so cute! Quickly, i must say that the Nightmare Before Christmas has an amazing soundtrack, Megamind is epic, How To Train Your Dragon can be a crying movie, and Harry Potter 7 part 2 is going to be almost as epic as Megamind.
Well, i'm gonna stop now, even though i don't want to, because i'm trying to make these postings a quick easy read. Don't ask me why, i just came up with it. Every so often a huge post will appear, but that's when i forgot what my goal is. I hope i entertained you with my random typing of words that hopefully are coherent and help you to catch a brief glimps of my immature personality. Enjoy life, go out and have a drink..... of water! Haha see ya!
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